Saturday, December 12, 2009

Baby Development

Hari ni my little hero azim dah 5 bulan. Kejap je masa berjalan. Alhamdulillah azim perkembangan dia baik dan memberangsangkan. Sekarang dia dah pandai mencapai barang tapi masih tak mampu nak pegang lama. Dia bleh capai benda pegang then terlepas. Semua benda nak dimasukkan kedalam mulut.

Dia memang rancak bila di ajak bersembang. Azim punya stail agah2 kecik 2-3 kali pastu dia akan tersenyum. Agah2 lg dia akan mula bersembang (dalam bahasa dia la). Kitaorg pun dah pandai bahasa dia. Ibu dan ayah jer yg pandai sembangkan dengan dia. OOhhh lupa tokwan pun pandai. Dah bersembang mula la nak menjerit. Bahagia sangat tgk Azim mcm tu. Tp azim paling suka sembang dengan ayah. Cukup ngam siapa pun tak bleh lawan.

Kalau naik keta mcm bdk dah besar nak duduk jer tgk depan. Kalau malam dia cukup suka. Lg banyak lampu lg riuh mulut dia bersembang. Dah pandai sembang sensorang. Dengan langsir tingkap pun dia bleh bersembang. Kita baringkan dia dengan sepantas kilat dia akan berpusing dan meniarap. Pastu sembamkan muka dia dan cuba bergerak kedepan. Tp aku tgk kebelakang ada la. Baru bergerak skit.

Tido pun dah pandai berpusing2. Kami yg risau. Kejap2 bgn alihkan dia.

Azim dah ada mainan sendiri. Baru ada 2. Nanti aku tunjukkan mainan pertama azim.

Dibawah info yg aku dapat dari untuk kita share bersama.

Your baby 3-6 months

During this period your baby will learn that language is fun and how to use it to communicate with you. The more you talk to your baby the more he’ll ‘talk’ to you. By now he won’t be happy to lie down if he’s awake - sit him up in a baby chair so he can take in all that’s going on around him.

What your baby can do

Follow with his eyes as he passes toys from one fist to the other
Follow toys with his eyes if they drop. However he will forget about them if they fall out of sight
Discover cause and effect - if he swipes a toy it will move
Test things with his mouth - everything will go straight into it!
He will watch your face and copy your mannerisms when you speak
He can turn towards sounds and follow them
He is likely to roll over about now and can push up with his hands and look around him. He may even begin to wriggle and move around
He can turn his head, and begin to twist his body to look at things or follow sounds when you are holding him in your arms

Most parents worry about their child’s language skills more than any other aspect of development. You’re more likely to have a chatty child if you concentrate on making the process of communicating as fun and rewarding as possible.
He will begin to make conversation; 'talking' and listening in turn
Initially he will make open vowel coo-ing noises like ‘aah’ and ‘ooh’ and later begin to babble as he adds the sounds B, K, M and P to his conversation
By six months he will have picked up a few sounds like ‘ga’, ‘da’ and ‘ma’ which he then strings together into repetitive noises - ‘ga-ga-ga-da-ma’ - especially when someone talks or smiles at him
Of course the most exciting combination is ‘maa’, though he’s a long way from meaning mummy yet
Later he will make more and varied sound strings such as ga-goo-ga-goo-da-doo
Babies also practise ‘chatting’ when they are alone, just because it’s fun

Continue to carry him with you as much as possible
Make conversation whenever you have the chance, but give him plenty of time to respond

Talk as you do things and sing or chant nursery rhymes so he gets used to listening to you. He will enjoy the pattern and rhythm of the sounds
Try to have a little face to face chat every day, so he can see your face and tune in to you
Read baby books together: he will love the sound of your voice as well as looking at the bright colours and shapes

Variety is all important; he may examine an object for just a few seconds before losing interest.
Soft toys: at around six months most babies are able to hold on to toys they are given and will enjoy small soft toys, especially ones with interesting bits to discover, like different textures and noises. Avoid hard or heavy toys because at this stage babies may well hit themselves on the head as they wave their hands around holding a toy. You’ll need to offer your baby your outstretched palm or another firm surface to press the toy against before he will be able to release it.
Teether toys: your baby will try to find out about a toy by putting it into his mouth. He uses his mouth to investigate because his tongue has more nerve endings per square centimetre than any other part of his body and is therefore amazingly sensitive. So choose toys that are lightweight, easy to grasp and safe to put in the mouth
Activity centre: once your baby can grasp things in both hands an activity centre tied to the side of his cot will be fun, choose one that makes lots of different noises. These are ideal at this stage because they do not swing away, there’s lots to discover and they can be played with over and over
Board books: your baby is also ready to look at the pictures in a thick board book* with you, especially if they are simple shapes in bright colours
There are no standard developmental tests for this stage.

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